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Ferns are classic favorites for shade and woodland areas.  Most are deer resistant and some will grow in sun if they receive ample moisture. We have a wide variety of ferns, both native and otherwise, many of which are evergreen or semi-evergreen. Most ferns prefer moist soil, but there are several that are drought tolerant once established.  Ferns are best planted in fall or in spring after they have broken dormancy.  Old fronds may be removed in early spring before the new growth appears.

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Featured Plants
Adiantum pedatum

Adiantum pedatum

Five Finger Maidenhair Fern

Five-finger Maidenhair or Northern Maidenhair has fronds that fork nearly in half with the two parts curving back, each with three to five finger-like divisions. Deciduous.

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Arachniodes davalliaeformis

Arachniodes davalliaeformis

Shiny Bristle Fern

Shiny dark green bristly fronds almost look like plastic.The triangular fronds are 12 to 18 inch wide, forming clumps that slowly spread. New fronds emerge later than other ferns but last well into fall/early winter. Great for cutting.

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Athyrium filix-femina

Athyrium filix-femina

Lady Fern

Delicate, lacy fronds are produced in abundance throughout the growing season, giving plants a fresh look, even in summer. Native. Deciduous. Deer resistant.

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Athyrium niponicum Ghost

Athyrium niponicum Ghost

Japanese Ghost Fern

New growth is silver green and ages to dark green. The darker green fronds provide a nice backdrop for the brighter new growth. Deciduous. Deer resistant.

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Athyrium niponicum Godzilla

Athyrium niponicum Godzilla

Godzilla Fern

Massive, arching clumps of silvery green fronds highlighted by purple stems spread slowly. Thought to be a chance cross with a lady fern, this one forms a great focal point for the shade garden. Plants are sterile.

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Athyrium niponicum Pictum

Athyrium niponicum Pictum

Japanese Painted Fern

New fronds are a soft metallic gray with rose and maroon tints. Its gracefully weeping habit makes it a wonderful groundcover for a shady area. Deciduous. Deer resistant. PPA Plant of the Year 2004.

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Athyrium niponicum pictum Pearly White

Athyrium niponicum pictum Pearly White

Pearly White Painted

This lovely form of Japanese Painted Fern is easy to grow. The fronds have pearly white centers with soft, frosty green edges. There is no purple in the fronds. Mature plants will gradually spread forming a pretty groundcover. Deciduous.

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Athyrium otophorum Okanum

Athyrium otophorum Okanum

Eared Lady Fern

Delicate, silvery blue-green fronds with maroon-purple stems unfurl from burgundy red fiddleheads in spring and continue throughout the season. Good substitute for Maidenhair ferns.

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