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Perennial Catalog

for Sandy's Plants, Inc.

Please Note:  We do not do mail order or ship plants retail.  Retail sales are only here at the nursery.

Our catalog, arranged by botanical names, contains descriptions and cultural information about each of the 1600+ varieties that we grow. This information is based on our experience in growing these plants (in Zone 7), as well as the experiences of our customers. Sandy personally trials many of our selections in her display gardens. When we add a new variety, we provide the best information that we can find on that plant at the time. In addition to individual entries we also provide quick reference lists of plants for particular conditions or purposes, such as clay soil, long bloomtime, groundcovers, coastal sites, deer resistance, etc. Because we grow a large number of Hosta, ferns, and daylilies we have quick reference charts to help you choose the size, color or other characteristics of these plants.  You can access these lists and charts by clicking on the Plant Solutions tab above.

We produce a yearly print catalog that is available by mail. (If you are a currently active wholesale customer, you will automatically receive one when they are published.) Although the print catalog does not contain photos, it is a valuable reference for anyone growing perennial plants in this area. The catalog is $4.00 if purchased at the nursery. We will be happy to mail a copy for $6.00 (includes postage), select Contact Us and request a catalog.

Hardiness Zone
Acanthus Whitewater

Acanthus Whitewater

Bear's Breeches

Vigorous plants have bold leaves that are deeply cut and heavily splashed with creamy white. Tall stems of pink and white blooms in midsummer. Evergreen. Greater vigor, better heat and humidity tolerance than 'Tasmanian Angel'. Plant patented.

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Acanthus mollis Morning Candle

Acanthus mollis Morning Candle

Bear's Breeches

A cross between A. mollis and A. spinosus, this one has rich pink and white flowers on tall stalks in midsummer. Shallowly scalloped, narrow grey-green leaves are slightly spiny. A wonderful specimen plant.

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Acanthus spinosus

Acanthus spinosus

Bear's Breeches

Tall spikes of mauve and white flowers are held above lustrous, deeply-cut, thistle-like foliage. The hardiest species, they are vigorous, clumping architectural plants. Leaves and blooms are spiny. Requires well-drained soil.

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Achillea Appleblossom

Achillea Appleblossom


Soft pink flowers that fade to white are held above green foliage. If deadheaded after blooming, it will continue to bloom up to five months. Compact habit. Attractive to butterflies. Deer resistant.

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Achillea Moonshine

Achillea Moonshine


Flowers in dense flat clusters soft yellow are held above ferny aromatic, silver-gray foliage. Blooms of Bressingham Introduction. Attractive to butterflies. Deer resistant. Long blooming.

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Achillea Pink Grapefruit

Achillea Pink Grapefruit


Large, slightly rounded clusters of deep rose pink bloom on compact plants. Flowers gently fade to cream as they age. Great for cutting. Aromatic, ferny green foliage. A Blooms of Bressingham selection. Plant patented.

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Achillea Pomegranate

Achillea Pomegranate


Striking, deep red-magenta bloom clusters on compact plants of ferny, aromatic green foliage have sturdy stems. A uniform habit and abundant blooms make this one a winner. Attractive to butterflies. Deer resistant. Plant Patented.

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Achillea millefolium

Achillea millefolium

Common Yarrow

Upright plants of fine, green, aromatic foliage are rhizomatous and spread to form mats. May be aggressive and some consider it to be a weed. Long blooming plants have flat heads of tiny white flowers, which are long-lasting. INTRODUCED, NOT NATIV

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Achillea millefolium Apricot Delight

Achillea millefolium Apricot Delight


Deep pink to near red buds open to apricot pink blooms that last for weeks. Sturdy compact plants are long blooming. More sun brings more intense colors. Plant Patented. Attractive to butterflies. Deer resistant.

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Achillea millefolium New Vintage™ Red

Achillea millefolium New Vintage™ Red


Compact, heavy flowering plants have clusters of ruby red blooms throughout much of the summer if deadheaded after bloom cycles. A hard trim after the first bloom flush will help to maintain its compact habit. Plant patented.

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Achillea millefolium Paprika

Achillea millefolium Paprika


Flat clusters of orange-red flowers with golden-yellow centers rise over green, ferny, aromatic foliage. Attractive to butterflies. Deer resistant. Long blooming.

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Achillea millefolium Summer Berries

Achillea millefolium Summer Berries


A wonderful mix of non-fading blooms in salmon, yellow, apricot, cherry and white are produced in 3"-5" clusters throughout the summer. Lovely for cutting. Deer resistant. Gray-green aromatic foliage spreads by stolons.

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Achillea millefolium Summer Pastels

Achillea millefolium Summer Pastels


3" flowers clusters appear in an assortment of colors including cream, white, yellow, salmon, orange, red, lilac, and pink. Ferny, green, aromatic foliage spreads by stolons. Attractive to butterflies. Deer resistant.

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Achillea tomentosa King Edward

Achillea tomentosa King Edward


Soft primrose yellow flowers clusters are held over 3" wooly green foliage. Miniature. Great rock garden plant. Attractive to butterflies. Deer resistant. Long blooming.

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Aconitum carmichaelii Arendsii

Aconitum carmichaelii Arendsii


Erect spikes of azure-blue, hooded flowers are held above glossy, dark green dissected leaves. Stunning in a woodland setting. CAUTION: All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the roots. 

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Aconitum fischeri

Aconitum fischeri


Spikes of large purple-blue hooded flowers are held above, shiny, green, dissected foliage. Dwarf selection. All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the roots. Use caution when cutting back. Deer resistant. Long blooming.

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Acorus gramineus minimus Aureus

Acorus gramineus minimus Aureus

Sweet Flag

Dwarf fans of bright golden leaves make a colorful evergreen groundcover or highlight for a rock garden. Moisture loving plants, they form mats of stiff, narrow bladed leaves. Can tolerate clay soil. Deer resistant. Moderate foot traffic. Space on

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Acorus gramineus variegatus Wogon

Acorus gramineus variegatus Wogon

Sweet Flag

Bright, golden fans of grassy leaves are narrowly edged in green. Evergreen. These moisture loving plants form mats of flowing, narrow bladed leaves. Can tolerate clay soil. Deer resistant.

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