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Hemerocallis fulva

Daylily (Old-fashioned)

4.5" Orange to rust colored blooms have a yellow throat and lighter midribs. Common roadside daylily. Spreads quickly. Midseason.

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  • Category:Daylily
  • Hardiness Zone:3
  • Height:36-48 Inches
  • Spread:24-24 Inches
  • Bloom Color: Orange, Rust

The foliage is arranged in fans of longitudinally folded leaves. Adaptable low maintenance plants, they are very resistant to drought and heat but can also tolerate wetter conditions, coastal sites, and clay soil. Attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. Pull off dead or yellow leaves and remove spent bloom stalks to keep plants tidy and to encourage additional flowers from rebloomers. Remove all dead foliage in late fall. Divide every 3 years to maintain vigor. Individual blooms last for a single day, but lots of buds keep them blooming for an extended period.

Attracts Wildlife
Soil Moisture Preference
Flowering Months
Foliage Color